Monday, September 27, 2010

Open for Criticism

Some compare this pain to a sharpened spearhead lodged into their chest. Others, a bullet to the head. Those who experience the worst of it call it dying. They have the easy road.
He stared, constantly. I couldn't burn the ends or mend them. I couldn't do anything but endure his dirty stares, his snide comments. Remember that, some how, some way, it was my fault. It was by my hand that he had left, my actions that continually drove him away.
It had been perfect, the two years prior. We hadn't fought that often, we hadn"t had trouble. It was this damn sickness I couldn't shake, the reality of it all. I couldn't stop the perpetual word vomit of the moment, the sudden spill of accusations and names. The neverending outflow that continued to disturb my relationship with him. It wasn't just the average teen romance, or the average breakup either. This was that cliched "One", the Forevers, the Star after the Fireworks. He wasn't ordinary, or even extraordinary. But he was mine, and that was all that had mattered.
Until it ended.
When it ended, the pain collapsed in waves, racking my body with the constant cries for mercy. The spear was shoved deeper, the knife grew longer. There was no way to stop it from growing.
It wasn't the mere fact that he had left, or even that he was off having fun. I wanted him to happy, I truly, legitimately did. The problem was that I wasn't happy, I was in pain. And not by any action he performed. It was a bad situation come across at a bad time. If I had been in his situation, I would have done the same thing.
"Maybe when you get better," he insisted.
"Maybe when you're yourself again," he'd tell me.
He did nothing wrong other than be there. It was my fault that he was gone, my words that drove him away. It was my own fault. That drove the pain deeper, the guilt further. That was the hole in my chest, the breath escaping my lungs.
The fact that I did it.
I had no one to blame for my misery, no one to blame for him leading me on. I had no one else but myself.

This was supposed to reflect thoughts on what the modern tragic hero is. Tell me if you think it fits the prompt, if it's good, sappy, whatever. If it sucks, tell me. If you can advise on how to improve, please do. Thanks

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dear KHS Counselors

To Whom It May Concern:
Upon receiving my senior schedule, I discovered a few errors. These mistakes include a wrong level placement, a class I physically am not able to take, and, after further review of the general education requirements of my chosen college, a new need in the foreign language department. Using the schedule guide that was so kindly enclosed with my preliminary schedule, I have developed a new schedule that better suits my academic needs.
The main problem, and the one that begins to shift my schedule around tremendously, is my first period of the fall semester 2010 where US Government and Economics is placed at the College Prep level. This level causes a disturbance with my academic future as the originally requested Advanced Placement level course offers a better preparation in my chosen career path, a boost in my GPA, and, possibly, college credit itself. This is why I wish to move my US Government and Economics class to occupy the first block in the spring semester to gain AP level. Consequently, I would have to drop my current Latin III class, which is better in the long run, and later explained. Because of the move of my first class of the fall semester, the position remains vacant. After a brief consult with the aforementioned schedule guide, I moved my pre-calculus class from the fourth block of the same semester to occupy the first block. The vacancy formed in the final period leads to the next major problem with my senior schedule.
After looking at the general education requirements for the University of Tennessee, I found that a course in an intermediate foreign language is required. Although there is an intermediate Latin course, the language I have previously taken, I've come to the conclusion that in the career of a historian and teacher, Spanish would better benefit my future. Therefore, after yet another look at the schedule guide, I propose to fill the empty spot in my fourth block of the fall semester with Spanish I; I would also like to drop my Shakespeare class, as I can take Intro to Shakespeare at UT, to take Spanish II during the fourth block of my spring semester. With both courses of Spanish completed, and hopefully mastered, by graduation in the spring, I will be able to take a departmental placement exam at UT to move into the intermediate Spanish class and complete a general education requirement without needing an additional course.
The final problem with my schedule exists in the second block of the spring semester where Out of School Experience currently sits. In order to take this opportunity I would need a car and a place to intern/volunteer at, which I have neither. While I could petition to be an office assistant at that time, I feel that it would be to my benefit to replace OSE with Business Principles in the second block of the spring semester. With this new course, I could be better prepared in a business setting during my college years.
While I understand these changes are extensive and may not all be fulfilled, I request that they are to the best of your ability. Each and every course is placed to where it will best suit my needs for a successful future. Enclosed is a diagram of each move and brief explanation of each move. Thank you for your time.
Kayla Chesney.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A New Era.

She looked around her room, feeling that dull ache rise inside her. She couldn't breathe properly. Thoughts flashed in her mind. The beautiful time when they had laughed, laid together, hands laced as they fell asleep side by side. Then the yelling came, thundering in her mind, the happiness she had once known fled from her mind. She should have seen it coming. The flowers wilted, turning that ancient yellow on old tomes kept in the libraries. Artificial ones, bought at a cheap price on a date she had begged for, sat next to them in a vain attempt to liven the dead. The picture hung to the side, a reminder of the love he once held. The books cast aside, askew on the shelf. They had never been opened, nor did she think they ever would. Her chest swelled as she turned away, pulling the bedsheets up to her chin.


Life goes on. That's what he said as he turned away. Life goes on. Keep the shots coming. That's what he said as he played with his son. Keep 'em coming. That's what he said as he insisted he didn't love her, didn't care for her. Life goes on. Keep the shots coming. Buried in activities and work, this was what was best. Senior year, one of the biggest of their lives, was coming and this was what was best. It's for the best...


Sure, it wasn't long, but..she was curious. A girl can't contain her curiosity forever, can she? She just wondered, after so long of talking, did he feel the same?


He acted like he didn't care. But...just maybe he did.