Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hypocrite: The Ones in the World I Love to Hate

So tonight, my loves, we have a little rant to go through. It's baked in my mind all day. I know I have some ethics posts I need to get around to, not to mention the countless poetry and short story ideas to throw at you guys but I really would like to use this time for my endless, pointless rant because I know the person it's aimed at will only get all mad over it and throw my recent irresponsiblity back in my face. But I don't care at this point. Let her.

You want to know what I really really can't stand? By the title you've probably already guessed it but I'll be Captain Obvious for a short while and just throw it out there: hypocrites. I hate it. I mean really, you'll rant on me and tell me how "retarded" I am for my choice of a boyfriend, who thank you very much I have known since seventh grade, and then the first sleezball who happens to say a few nice things to you and is socially acceptable for you to date, you automatically want to make out with him nonstop. And I'm sorry to say this but really, you'll be sick of him in two weeks and find some flimsy excuse to dump him.
But don't worry, you're not the only flawed one. He sits in class all day talking about how he's going to use you to get what he wants out of this whole thing. Maybe I'm being too judgemental of him, but who really knows? After allt his guy has been here for what, a week? Less?
Yet already you trust him over a supposed best friend you've known from the start.

And it really wouldn't bother me as muchif you weren't such a hypocrite. I mean really. I get together with my boyfriend and all I hear from you is how "he's not good for you" "you can do better" and all this other stuff that really you don't have any place to say. In the past year that I have been with my boyfriend you always say you only "tolerate" him yet you don't actually put forth an effort to be nice to him and get to know him. It's really judgemental of you, and I guess considering I called your new hookup of the week a sleezball, that makes me a bit of a hypocrite but what can I say, in the past week the guy's been to our school he's proven that to just about everyone. The point is, You have constantly "warned me of the horrors" that my relationship has and is going to bring. Yet the second I try to warn you that this new guy of yours is broadcasting to all the class of how he's getting some from you, you tell me you can take care of yourself and you don't need me to warn you about things I don't know about.
Hmm. So let us think about it. When you did the same to me: I knew the guy for two years, I said the same thing, and he wasn't bragging or wanting to get anything from me. And yet you've known the guy less than a week and he's telling everyone he can.

I still want to give the guy a chance, because yes he's been here a week, so I'll try to not be as judgemental, I just want you to realize that..that sometimes before you say something, try to be in their shoes. I mean seriously this is a reversal of a year ago. It really is.

It's horrible to say, but I honestly hope he breaks your heart.
Maybe you'll take your so-called friends more seriously.


1 comment:

Rexpennae said...

Very, rantish... I'm quite happy that I'm pretty sure that wasn't directed at me...
Good to hear from you again. *grumbles* I should probably try to let people hear from me too...
