Thursday, October 30, 2008

Be A Friend

So on my oh-so-fabulous trip to Jamaica last week, we had to say one night at the Holiday Inn in Atlanta before catching our plane the next morning. For dinner that night, we ate at the hotel's restaurant. Although we had gotten there early and the restaurant wasn't officially open, the bartender offered for us to sit in the bar area and he got us sweet teas. I started watching the bartender as we ate our dinner and more people filled the restaurant. I noticed that more people sat in the bar area than the actual restaurant itself. It doesn't take long for me to see why and no, it wasn't the alcohol. It was the bartender's personality. He was kind and, more importantly, he was friendly. And that's when it hit me.
Our world has no friends. Yes we have our "friends" who will "stick with us" bit do we have true friends? That, my dear reader, is a debate for another day. My point tiday is that, supposedly, the world was filled with people who were kind to you for no good reason other than to be kind. Supposedly, a society existed where when you went out to ear the waiters and waitresses or hosts and hostesses were kind and couretous because they wanted to be, not because they were afraid of losing their job if they weren't. People used to be friendly.
Some people may call me naive for beleiving that such a society had have existed or could exist. And why they may believe it couldn't I could never understand. I mean, really, is it too much to ask how someone's day was, or to say "good morning" every once in awhile. You don't have to be friendly to just friends. You should be friendly to everyone you meet. Even your "enemies". You never know when your "good morning" or "how are you today" could really impact someone. So I guess, all there is to say is this:
Will You Be A Friend Today?

until next time

1 comment:

Helen said...

Aww. What a sweet bartender guy!!

Seriously, update. SOON!

Your English teacher is a huge fucking cuntmuffin.

