Sunday, October 5, 2008

Whose the Handicapped?

First of all, I would like to thank Kansas my dear for responding in a way the lets me think deeper on the subject of everything you do affects someone. Like he said, threads cross and things changed ((love that analogy btw my friend)). We all affect one another and in ways that sometimes we can't possibly fathom. And that sometimes those threads are weaved intricately, as life is, but sometimes, it's simple. Life can be simple. It's just how we look at things.....

Okay, so I was on the bus the other day, and I noticed this really sweet boy sitting in front of me. He was special. Like I don't mean the joking way we say that either; he was mentally handicapped. That made me think about how we use our words today in society.

Follow me on this one.

How many people out there are guilty of saying the word "retard" in an offensive way, and I dont just mean offensive to those who are. I mean maybe one day your joking around with a bunch of friends and you say it in a derogative, negative way. I'm guilty of it a couple of times too. And yes, little "cover words" like "tard" count, and if you put it with anything else, ex: "tardmuffin." I'm more than guilty of that one.

But I was sitting behind this kid, who was....extraordinary. I still don't know this kid's name, I'm far too shy to introduce myself, so I sit there, everyday after school, just marveling at this kid. He amazes me. He's so incredibly sweet, he'll say hi to anyone who passes him, and he always has this thoughtful look to him. The simplest things amaze him, and the smallest things, he appreciates. Makes me wonder, how the word "retard" turned so deragatory. This kid, I wish I knew his name, he's so incredibly...sweet. How can this boy be what, by definition, that word applies to?

We use it interchangably with the word "stupid"and how can anyone this...truely, this special be in the same...category as "stupid"? I mean, I honestly think that we're the dumb ones anytimes I'm around this boy. He makes me think just how...beautiful life is and how people nowadays take so many things for granted. They think that life was handed to them on a silver plate and that its so bad, when in reality, it's not that bad. I mean yeah, you might have some difficulties and bumps in the road, but who doesn't? And this little inspiration of a kid, he sits there, as many people look down on him for his "mental handicap" when I think it's us who have the handicap. He thinks so....simply, or at least that's what it seems. Who knows, he could turn out to be the next Bill Gates, who knows what potential this boy holds. My point is watching him the maybe five minutes I see him out of the day, I believe I've learned that life can be complex. But it's also so amazingly simple. Yeah, we can waste time on why things happen or even how things happen, but...why dont we ever just take time to let things happen. Like, I'm pretty sure this kid isn't a rocket scientist, but I bet he likes watching airplanes fly overhead and not worry about how the jet engines in them work. It's all just how you look at things. Don't worry about how or why things happened. Just be glad that they do happen. Life's an adventure.
So let's enjoy it.

Talk to me, people, what do you think?


1 comment:

Rexpennae said...

I have a little different take on this, well, not take, but vantage. My littlest bro has Downs syndrome. He is so very happy, and loving all the time, I have learned so much with him, and he is not stupid by any means... What comes out of people's mouths is not so much a bother to me, I don't really care if you choose to use these derogatory terms, but some people do, and there are a lot of people out there. What you say matters just as much as what you do, many people only hear what you say, and that will be their first, and maybe only impression of you. What a shame it would be if the only thing someone heard you say was f****** R*tard, or something along those lines...
Think about what you say, words have more power than they are ascribed.


PS I'll start blogging soon, I'm just a little busy tonight.