Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Epiphany That Started It All

So the other day I was sitting at home, eating my Ramen noodles and a thought occured to me.
And that thought, turned to this.
I want you to Think About This....

We all live in our own little worlds. Okay yeah i know youre gonna think im on crack or something but i swear im not. ((I dropped that lol haha jk i have never done drugs lol)) okay think about this. Think big then we'll get smaller. So, lets take the United States of America for instance. We have our own little world. We have our own economy and politics to worry about, we have our own movies and music, our own celebrities. Our country has its own seperate world compared to another country, like Germany for instance. Our country is very different and its like a whole other world. However, we all have to coexist somehow, and we interact with each other. Everything we do affect one another. Now, I'll elaborate on that point later.
Now think smaller, into states, and even smaller, cities. We all have our own things to worry about in different states. For instance, what's going on in Tennessee isnt neccessarily happening in Kansas. Now, I want you to think smaller. Into schools. Let's take Karns High and Powell High here in Knoxville for instance. Whats going on in Karns isnt happening over in Powell. For instance, in Karns right now we're having homecomign, and our entire school is....engrossed...with getting pumped up for homecoming. Now in Powell, theyre in there regular schedules, maybe having a few conflicts of their own.
Now that you have the whole "everyones got their own thing" concept, i want you to think about YOUR world. Think about this for a second. I want you to think about your family. I want you to think about your girlfriend/boyfriend/whoever and then i want you to think about all your friends. Think about the "problems" and "annoyances" you have in your little group of friends, in your family. Can you easily identify the problems? Do they deal with you? More than likely, you thought of the other people and the issues you have with them before you thought of yourself. I want you to right now think about the problems you might have caused in your group of friends, in your life. Can you fix these problems?
Hopefully, you can answer these questions. I want you to try to solve these issues, i promise you i will.
Now, back to the whole little world thing. I want you to think about your group of friends and your family again. We have our own issues. Think about how our problems influence the problems on other little worlds. We all make a difference. I believe its because of the Butterfly Effect. And no im not talking of that really cool 2004 Ashton Kutcher flick that left everyone walking out feeling stoned. Im talking of the phrase that inspired it. The Butterfly Effect is the theory that a single beat of a butterfly's wings can affect the atmosphere so greatly that it causes a windstorm on the other side of the world. I want you to sit and think about that for a minute or two. A mere butterfly, the small thing thats so fragile you could flick it and its dead, a butterfly can affect the world that much. Think of what you could do in the world. You could change everything. Your little world of friends and family could affect another little world, and then two worlds collide to change the world.
It all goes back to something we were talking about in English class yesterday. Eaton (my teacher) was talking about how people say they can't make a difference. How one person cant change anything. Then she used a teacher analogy. One teacher...comes in contact..with about a thousand students a year. And hopefully, they influence at least some of them. Let's say she does influence five people. and they go on and, because of that influence, become great leaders of the world. Or scientists who figure out a cure to cancer or a solution to economic problems. so on and so forth, i think you get the point.
What I'm basically trying to say I guess is that yes, we do have our own little worlds that we live in. But we should never forget that we can make a difference. Our little worlds affect other little worlds. And what we say makes a difference. Granted, its not always for the best, but that just shows how much of an impact one person can have on the world.
So I want you to keep that in mind for a bit. Think about it, just as i thought all yesterday afternoon and today about Eaton said yesterday.
My point is, we all make a difference. It's up to us, however, to decide what kind of difference we make.

Thanks for reading and allowing me to rant a bit.
Comment, let's discuss this



Rexpennae said...

............... You have a lot of wisdom posted here... I've been thinking a lot about this lately, Or at least something along these lines... There is a web of people, actions, every time threads cross they change, in some small way, or in some big way, tradgedy teaches, and changes you. Joy in the same way molds you. There is a reason everything happens, we all have a part to play in this story, even when we cannot possibly see the road ahead. When the Sun sets and your life is in darkness, when the clouds roll over and the moon is covered, the sun will rise again, and you will be a different person, molded into the person you are, and should be, and your part in the story continues... how will the book look when your character has passed on, will you be the one remembered, or forgotten?

Just some thoughts... Maybe we could blog on one thing every day, you give your thoughts, and I'll give mine... who knows...


Unknown said...

Kayy, Your aunt told me how anxious you were for me to read your blog, and I finally got the web address yesterday. I haven't read every word of every posting yet, but I have to tell you how floored I am by the maturity of your perspective and the depth of your writing. When you were my student, I knew you had a philosopher hiding inside! If you remember how strongly I oppose "judging words" about differences between people and cultures, you will understand how proud I am of the posting to which I attached this comment. I would sign this with your nickname for me, but others might misunderstand. :-)